Wednesday, August 1, 2007

348 - Smoke n Fire

Hey... the building next door to me caught fire last night... This is the building I took pictures of the psycho window washers on:

KHOU News Story


Bringin' my camera to work... I'll take any interesting pictures I can.

Well, no interesting pictures to take of the burned building. You can see that one or two of the windows were broken, but that's about it.

Today was pretty good. I had a lot of work to do so I kept busy. I SO like being kept busy. Idle hands, and all that.

I got a nasty gram from WebGirl. Apparently she didn't like that I had sent "thanks for meeting with me" emails with out CC'ing her. No biggy. I just rolled my eyes, wished horrid things upon her overly bleached head, and moved on.

After work was a bit stressful. I had barely any gas on the way home and was already a bit late, so I decided to drive to Montrose St. to get some gas. Unfortunately some inconsiderate schmuck had the grand idea of getting into an accident. So I got stuck in traffic for like 20 minutes. dammit. I finally got turned around and started my search for a gas station. That would be my luck, running out of gas on my way to get gas. "Isn't it Ironic?" (BTW Alanis, a black fly in your Chardonnay is NOT ironic, it's unfortunate you ignorant cow. Look up irony in the dictionary.) .... but I digress...

So I finally found a gas station, realized I had no cash and had to put gas on my credit card. I HATE that. I also hate ending up behind the damn ticket scratchers in line. wtf. Get out of line, scratch your ticket, then on the off chance you may win something Bubba, you may get back in. Sheesh. So I get out of there and start walking to my car and there's a bum standing behind it with a window washer. Simply shit-tastic.

I walk towards the car and the guy starts babbling;
"Oooh it's a sad Tuesday, huh? I'll clean your window, make it a happy Tuesday. Make you smile on Tuesday. I'm Georgie, Georgie will make your window clean. Then you won't be sad"

I'm thinking "For fucks sake, Georgie... I'm sad 'cus I have Georgie the hygienically challenged homeless guy about to slime up my back window and I don't have any change".

"Georgie" I say "I have no money... you probably have more change than I do".

"Ohh no no missus.. I clean tha window n make happy Tuesday!"

"Fine Georgie, but not a big return on investment, yanno?"

So I pump the gas while Georgie squeegees my window and wipes it down with a newspaper, and when I'm done I hand him 5 ciggs and leave it at that.

He tells me "Georgies' here all the time! Come back n get gas again"

"Thanks Georgie, I'll keep that in mind"..... the next time I want Georgie rubbing dirty newspaper all over my rear windshield. *sigh*... btw... it's freakin' Wednesday!!! Ehh well.. Suppose time is all relative when you're squeegeeing windows.

So I finally made it home. Now it's too late to get to the bank, but Hubby and Kid are in good moods, so that's cool.

Made dinner, vacuumed and cleaned a bit, ate... then kid has to remind me that I told her I would let her drive tonight. Meh. I swear I have palpitations every time I have to drive with her. So we go off to Target, I start getting acute angina (Doesn't angina sound dirty?) but we make it there and back.

I poked around with some graphics for awhile. I was feeling creative. Made a new header. You'll have to let me know if you like it.

So as I was about to post Ray went out on the balcony. He sticks his head out and says "Y'all come out here, there's a possum on the wire!" Yes. He said Y'all.

So out we go and whaddya know.. there's a little possum walking the telephone wire. Poor little guy got pretty far, then stuck, then came back, then got stuck again... we think that his mamma is stuck too. So now we're sitting here trying to figure out if we should call Animal Control. I suppose we could, but how Yankee will we sound??!

"Hey, Umm... yeah.. there are two possums on the telephone wires out here and they look stuck"

You know they'll be like... Yeah, that happens all the time. What are you, the new guy?!

meh. btw... big blobby red picture is the best I could get of the possum.

Ok.. off to bed for me ;)

P.S. - Possum Update:
Possum wasn't out there with with his mama. He is stuck though. He's sitting out there on a nest.

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