Ever have to change schools when you were a kid? Ever have to be the new kid in the class? If you have, try and remember having to walk into the lunch room the first time. You don't have anyone to sit with, and you feel like you're walking around with a sign that says "Friendless". You want to sit towards the back, or in a corner somewhere. Maybe you have a book or a walkman with you so that you can seem to not be paying attention to the stuff going on around you. That so sucks when you're a kid.
The odd thing is this; it doesn't go away with age. Sure you're fairly self assured, you know that you're an asset, you know your place in the world (or so you believe) - yet faced with being the new kid again it seems that some part of your brain pops back into that lunch room. Why is that? It's irritating.
Work was... boring. Bone numbing, eye twitching, life sucking boring. There were a few interesting points, though;
1. Not sure if I've told you, but my badge doesn't work on the back door of the tower. The back door goes out to the pretty sitting area where all the smokers go. Well apparently you have to have 'after hours' priv's. put on your card to do that... and I haven't figured out where Security is to do so. SO... I asked WebGirl where I could have that fixed. She said "Who told you that?" while grimacing and making some odd "I'm sucking on a lemon" face. I said "Oh, one of the svp's on 41" She said "Pfft... they dont know what they're talking about. I've never heard that before".
Well ok.. whatever. BUT.. today as I was sitting out under one of the umbrellas having a ciggy, I notice WebGirl hop over the gate to the back and sprint towards the door. Apparently she was off doing something and decided to take that way in. I watched her pull on the door for a minute (ahhh-musing!) then watched her repeatedly try her badge, then pull the door. This went on for like 5 minutes. I had my sunglasses on so I looked as if I was checking out my phone, but inside I was cackling wildly. I SO wanted to run up and say "Who was it that didn't know what they were talking about? Hmm? Nyaaah!" But of course that wouldn't be very professional, so I simply saw that one of the other doors was opening (someone coming out) so I got up, grabbed that door and yelled for WebGirl. She came striding over looking as if there was a very small piece of poop held under her nose. "Something wrong with my badge!" I said "Apparently, mine too" and left it at that. Made me grin, though.
2. One of the big NH guys came into the office today. He hangs in my office when he's working in TX. That was kinda nice. Someone to talk to at least. Not a bad guy really. He bought me lunch today. Sammich makes me happay!
3. I got a lot done today. Pried the written notes I needed from WebGirls clutches (She SO didn't want me to have them) and have 1/2 written up. Worked out a process for some of the content peeps. blah blah blah.
When I got home I cleaned a bit (yeah, I'm a bit obsessive) did the dishes and cooked meatloaf (my family loves it). We went to Randall's since there were a few things we needed, and luckily they had the movie "300" there. Ohmygod Yay. Tomorrow we'll probably run out and get "Hot Fuzz" Yay again :) Great movies. I would say that 300 is one of the best movies I've seen in ages. Watched that on our disgustingly huge tv. Now I'm getting sleepy and I wanna go to bed :/
A "little" bit of odd news I just saw:
Midget Star from Little People, Big World Arrested for DUI Yeah, I know... but seriously, the world needs more drunken midgets. (in big hamster wheels in the office... or with little strap-on cake plate hats wandering from desk to desk offering yummy frosted baked goods)
This is the most scary (fire in high-rise) and hilarious (Matt arrested for DUI) posting to date... Has D read it yet? He must be rolling on the floor!
Agreed, it sucks being the new kid on the block. Just drove into town 2 days ago from Savannah. First half of the drive, I was filled with optimism and confidence...second half of the drive it was all washed away in the muddy waters of the bayou. Still have the trailer hitched to the back of my car, think I'm feeling adventurous. Walmart here I come!
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