Tuesday, August 7, 2007

341 - Toooosday at the tower

Today was a wee bit warm. Ohmygod it was hot! The nice thing about working in the Tower is that it's kept so cold (presumably to keep the high number of walking dead from smelling too much) that I'm totally frozen by the end of the day. So when I pick up my stuff for the long trek back to my car, I'm numb. I don't even really feel the heat until I'm almost to my car. My toes are typically still frozen, and when I reach in my purse to grab my keys it's like a little ice box. heh.

I feel badly for the homeless when it's this hot, though. Apparently they've opened "Cooling Stations" for them. Which I assume is a lot like "Nashua's Air quality Days" where the bus is air conditioned and free to ride all day.

I spent the morning at home cleaning. I was PMSing so I needed something to do rather than wake up the family and yell at them. Went to the Tower and did a few useful things. Spent a few hours wishing I wasn't working. Went and had a talk with WebGirl. That woman is the most negative person ever. I knew she had gone away for the weekend, so I asked how her weekend was (I'm f*ckin' polite, ok!?)

  • Me: How was your weekend? Did you have fun?
  • WG: Yeah, it was great. Well... other than the hotel....
  • Me: Oh really? Was it a bad hotel? (Knowing I'm about to get a long drawl-ey whine)
  • WG: Well... I got a really good deal on a hotel and jumped on it. We were at Lake Tyler. Anyway, I went and although the Hotel was gorgeous and the service was great, they DIDN'T have a a pool! Can you imagine!? No Pool, No Restaurant!
  • Me: Wow. Umm. Could you swim in the lake? (I'm thinking, wtf you moron, you stayed at a hotel on a lake... go outside and get in the lake!)
  • WG: Noooo... I won't swim in that water!

Now obviously I wasn't going to ask the water retaining seacow WHY she would go to the lake if she had no intention of swimming in it.... but.... whatever. Maybe she's worried her bleach job will turn colors or something.

I walked over to Houston Center for lunch (Houston Center is a kind of crappy mall that's really only open because it's got a huge food court) Came back, wished for death for awhile longer, emailed asking for a few things from WG and another worker there. Stared out the window..... you seeing a pattern here?

I ended up coming home at 5:30. I made dinner and pretty much hung out. I sent my daughter out to get "Disturbia", but she left so darn late that I couldn't watch it *grr!*

SO funny - I send the kid out, she decides she's going to try Target again. She pulls out of our driveway and I'm up on the balcony with Ray yelling at her... I'm waving my arms and yelling "Chelsea No!!" Does she notice? No, she's 17. She wouldn't notice if her head was on fire. She pulled out onto our one way street heading the wrong way. *eyeroll* I'm seeing visions of my poor one headlighted car smashed up and my kid (un-hurt of course) telling me "I didn't knooow" (she has an excuse for everything that kid)

I took a bath . First time taking one in my enourmous bathtub. Ohmygod how great was that. The thing fills up to your neck practically. Its a big soaking tub that's soo comfy. That was way fun.

Well.... back to the Tower tomorrow. (someone kill me please)

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