Tuesday, August 7, 2007

342 - Money Monday - NOT

[WARNING: PISSED OFF RANT ABOUT TO ENSUE] Please please please tell me why my boss will not do a freakin' direct deposit!? WHY? I mean honestly, you can't go around talking about how 'we're an Internet company' and spouting about the latest technologies, then put a check in the mail, a check mind you, that WILL be held for 5-7 days because it's from NH. So I have to wait days for the damn thing to get here, then days for it to be useable?! Oh. Totally fanfuckin'tastic. *eyeroll*
Sweet fried Mary on a stick! Why not just use a chunk of bedrock, a big bird to chisel the amount on it and run it over here using a car with your feet poked through the bottom. ARGH! I've asked... I've hinted... I've begged, but I'm in Texas, so basically it's 'screw off'. Doesn't matter that I have bills to pay, car payments, a freakin' windshield that I didn't break to fix, a kid and me who needs friggin' meds which cost an arm and a leg..... wtf! I'm all for being a team player and all that, but at this point I'm just getting pissed.

Frustrated with my job, can you tell?

Ok... aside from that crap.

Chels, Ray and I went out to cash checks (ha!) and grab a light bulb for my headlight. Stopped at Sonic (yay!) and came home. For some reason my Internet connection here is iffy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It was a doesn't last night (Hence the morning post). We tried putting the bulb in the headlight, and got it in there, but it still doesn't work. It seems that there's some other issue. So there's another bill. grr.

Chels had a tweaky freak out over me not letting her go to some goth club by herself. *eyeroll* Her argument? Stomping around and whining "I'm not a baby anymore!" Umm.. Ok. Well there's a valid argument. Especially since I had to clean her disgusting bathroom this morning. How can she be here one week and totally demolish two entire rooms? for fucks sake. [END OF RANT: note: do NOT call me and try and 'talk' about this rant. No interest. I rant here because I don't feel like talking about it. Lets leave it that way.]

Things settled down late last night and it actually ended up being fun. Chels and I played Othello (which I like alot, but hate playing with Ray the strategical genius), we played with the kitten, who's simply a goofball. And I went to bed.

All in all a rather unsatisfying day.

Annoying Houston observation:
Houston has the worst... THE worst... public transportation. The fact that I can live this close to work and not be able to hop a bus amazes me.

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