Today was OK. Not perfect, but not as horrid as yesterday.
I made it to work quickly, no detours (getting lost). I timed it and it took me less than 10 minutes. Yay :)
I got very little done, not for not *wanting* to get things done, but because every thing I wanted to do required the Internet. [which I STILL don't have!!] I finally got the packages I needed to work on today at 2:30, then found that I had a meeting at 3pm. ( I SO need to start getting meeting invites. ) The meeting went on awhile, and I didn't get back to my office until 4:20ish. I left a bit early today because I had to go to the UPS Facility before it closed to get my packages.
Today we had a really big rain storm. I adore storms, but I have to say being in a storm while waaay up in the air is a bit scary. I walked a bit at lunch, umbrella in hand. Downtown is really walkable. Great people watching too. Makes me wish D was here with us... there's no one else for me to make fun of people with.
I left and again lost my car (wtf is wrong with me!?) I finally found it and when I went to cash out I found out that only parking on the ROOF is 5 bucks.. I parked on level 5... that's $15.00. I asked her if she was charging $3 per level.. but she didn't get it. Yesterday I drove home no problem. Today I ended up going the wrong way down a one way street and freaking out. I did a good U turn and got outta there. But driving around with a busted windshield makes me worry I'm going to get pulled over at a moments notice.
Funny Ray Quote: (While sitting on the parkway waiting to turn there was a homeless guy with a sign that said "Homeless, will work for food" and a big bucket with his belongings in it. He was talking to himself or the woman in front of us... more to himself I think because she wasn't even looking at him. Then I noticed him walking towards my car, and I'm thinking, Great... he thinks I'm a mobile home or something with all these boxes. He walked by and the light turned green. As we pulled up to where his stuff was, Ray says ) "Quick! Stop and grab his stuff!!".
It was just was SO unRay like that it caused me to darn near drive off the road. Can you imagine stealing from a homeless guy!? How terrible is that!?...... even funnier...... Stealing the stuff, then yelling " you're homeless, have no stuff, and you'll need to change your sign to "Homeless, will work for food... and a new BUCKET!"
We got all the packages into the house, got them unpacked, and ate a hamburger. Yay :)
Chels called tonight. she's having some anxiety issues and really needs to come be with us. We've discussed dropping the Police concert all together and having her come here on the 27th. She needs to be with us and relax for awhile. James isn't coming with her. They're talking about him visiting in November. Hopefully by then she'll be settled in and can really enjoy the visit.
I still can't believe she and I won't go get the Harry Potter book together. It's always been the same crew every book release, and now I won't be with them. Seems weird :/
Loving Houston, btw. Such a neat city :)
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