Thursday, July 26, 2007

354 - I love 5pm

Another interesting day in the Tower. Tons of meetings today with content peeps. It wasn't terrible, but mostly because I couldnt get a word in edge wise. So really, not too bad. After the 2nd meeting, I started going to the content persons office 5 minutes early. Grabbed them before web girl could get in and interject her tard-ness into them.

All in all, it was unsatisfying. I have alot to talk over with the mother ship before I take another step, but I have 3 or 4 meetings tomorrow to deal with as well.

I parked in the pricey garage today. It was supposed to downpour, I was running late and I simply didn't feel like playing Bum Frogger today. Not very money-responsible, but some days you need to park closer. heh.

Had a phone conf with NH. That was fun, although I couldn't hear all of it. Got a lot of work done. Got my bank account all set here, paid my credit card, bought some ice cream, got lost... same ol same ol.

OH... found out today that 300 comes out on Tuesday!! Holy camel crotch! I'm SO excited! We got this kick ass 65 inch HDTV and 300 is coming out! I'm gonna drool all over the spartans.. yeah I am.

Hmm... nothing really interesting to write about today, or maybe there was but I'm sleepy and whiney, so I'm not gonna.heh.

OH.. One last thing, Kiddo gets here tomorrow!!! YAY!

PS. Kitchy Fun time:
SciFi Channel's "Who wants to be a super hero" is back! I can't help but watch. Its a total train wreck, but it's fun.

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