Today was another good day. (Day
10 btw!)Tomorrow (and every day work day til the 31st) promises to be dreadful, ghastly, vile and all around
suckitty suck suck.
This morning after downing half a bottle of Advil (that damn headache won't let go of me) I went off to get the gang at their hotel. I dropped them off at the Tower and went to park (I park a few blocks away, and I figure those NH people can't hack it... Plus.. they're like, old and stuff *snicker*) Then played
Frogger with the bums on the walk to the office. *walk on this side of the street.. Ooh.. old bum with one shoe, cross to the other side, walk a bit, oh oh, old bum with two shoes but no pants, walk to the other side of the street, avoid the old bum that tells me Jesus loves me and would love me more if I'd give him a
cig or some change, run across the street avoiding the train that seems to seriously want to run me over some day, leap into the office building across the street from my office, down the
escalator into the tunnels to my office* Now make a mental picture of that and overlay the
Frogger sound effects. It's amusing.
9am meeting with some of the politically retarded,
adversarials who want me to crash and burn. It went well actually. I wasn't sure if I was pleased with the boss or wanted to bap him for repeatedly mentioning to "web girl" that she should probably sit with the designers on how to make a web page, rather than with the ultra smart developers who she would not understand and just find boring - until "web girl" finally got ultra-snotty and answered "I do have a degree in computer programming, you know!" I was really tempted to say "Yeah? So does my dry cleaner. Not a feat of greatness there, cupcake." But I retained my vacuous smile and professional composure. Always let people think you don't know much, makes them much more likely to slip in front of you.
Our main contact/supporter at the Tower (a NH guy who typically listens half
heartedly while fondling his Blackberry - and no that's not dirty) showed up for the meeting. I was a bit shocked, really. It wasn't a terribly important meeting so I
didn't expect to see him there. But there he was, and there I was greatly underestimating him. By the end of the meeting the things we were worried about; "web girl" doing her
damnedest to undermine us, "Web girl, Special Edition" being nasty and irritating and attempting to aid "web girl" and the ensuing blow up never happened. "web girl, special edition's" boss showed up. Now maybe it's just because he grew up in Boston, but this was a guy I could understand. Sorta say it like it is, lay the cards on the table sort. Now I only was in an hour meeting with the guy, so I could be wrong, but I felt he was fairly genuine in his wanting to work with us, not against us. "Web girl" went sour faced pretty quickly. "Web girl Special Edition" though.. that was a surprise. She actually seemed really interested in what we were proposing. I think she caught the "I could learn something new and interesting" bug. At least it shows she's got a brain. Regular old "web girl" would poop a kitten before admitting she knows nothing and
doesn't want to know anything new. "
AAAAAAAAAAh! Progress! Get it off me! It may stain!" .....
dumbass. I'm just
We left the meeting and had some interesting talks about the state of the mine field which is my job.
heh. Then we went to lunch. The boss guy took us to lunch and although I was feeling queasy (damn
freakin' migraine!) I was looking forward to actual human interaction during lunch. We went to "
Massa's Seafood Grill" in The Houston Center. I had the most amazing grilled salmon ever. SO yummy. Had fun conversation, had the prerequisite "invoices, making money, blah blah blah" conversation, and enjoyed the time out. The boss is good to us.
We went back in and I got a phone call from one of the NH guys (not my team, the supporters team who has a wee bit of pull in the Tower) to tell me that he had no clue that I wasn't getting cooperation there and that the second I feel that I'm being pushed out or not being listened to to call him. He'll make sure I get what I need there. Now, "web girl" after being chastised by... well... someone, finally made me the appointments I had been waiting for and I did let him know that. She also made sure to make some headway on the printer I needed as well. Let me say, she SO didn't want to.. which is why I know she was 'spoken' to, although I'm not sure by whom. From what the boss guy said the NH supporter people had been made aware that I wasn't being treated in a
hospitable way and were out to put an end to that.
Here's what web girl did today that made no sense to me. I had sat with her talking about all new content stuff... a small
contingent of exec types (and her) had gone through current content and slashed it. Took out paragraphs, pages, etc to knock it down a bit before re-write. But that content has to be looked at by the 'content owners' to verify numbers, etc. We did not want the content owners to know that
lots of her content had been slashed... they never look at it, but had we said "We removed that"... they would have said "I need it in there". They don't. Honestly, But that's what would have happened. So I had devised a way to subtly do this. I had gotten web girl to agree that instead of showing the printed pages of stuff with big red X's through paragraphs we'd show them word docs that already have the paragraphs removed. If they noticed some content missing (which they wont) we could address it then... but showing it to them and calling attention to the missing stuff was just asking for trouble. So
that's what we did. Redid the content in word doc form, removed everything, then I sent her copies to make sure she was good with it. To check the work done I left the edit tracking on. (to those of you who
don't know that means that things that were removed/changed show up in a different color with a call out balloon showing that it's gone) The plan was for me to show her make sure she was good with it, then 'accept changes', which removes the balloons and crossed out text, and that's how the content peeps would see it. But
nooooo... web girl sends out invites (which she was supposed to do Monday) for meetings with me to go over what I needed done with the damned marked up docs attached!
grrrrr. So not only have we removed the stuff, but then we gave these people (who WILL bitch about this now) docs that show we removed it. Lets really make sure we call attention to what we're trying to remove. That's the very best way to make sure they see it.
So I said, "Update the meeting request, I'll accept all changes to the documents and resend them. Attach those to the meeting updates. We'll be golden". web girl says "well, I could do it from home tonight I guess.. *sigh, moan*" .....
wtf...... she's a boob. I'm not
just sayin'... I really mean it.
So tomorrow it starts. I have 14 meetings (by way of web girl) to attend and discuss content. Great. No clue what the hell I'm doing, but I can tap dance pretty well.
Tonight was quiet... thankfully. My little one gets here in two days!
Ok.. so she's not so little. Still.. I miss her and worry about her and cant wait to squish her silly. I'm so scared she won't like it here... wont' give it a chance. It's gonna be a tough
transition, but she's pretty good at realizing that things may take work. We'll see.
Off to finish making dinner.
PS: New House Observation: Sure it's great and good to have the coolest latest appliances, but
wtf with my stove!? It's all digital and gas... so it's totally foreign. Now yes, those of you who know me know stoves are odd foreign entities anyway, but still... Can't I just say ON or OFF... this thing is like something they dragged out of the space shuttle!
grr. Haven't eaten yet
cus I
couldn't figure the damn thing out and ended up NOT turning it on, apparently I just teased it a little or something.
freakin' thing.